“Antonio was born on the 10th July 2015, after 32 weeks and weighing 1210kg. He arrived vigorously with a lust for life. He was doing well in the NICU, breastfeeding and gaining weight. However, all changed on the 25th day after his birth. Tom was affected by a disease called ‘Necrotising Enterocolitis”. Its devastated his intestines. Tom had over six surgeries and, as a result, acquired Short Gut Syndrome. His bowel was only 9cm long. All his nutrition was administered through his veins.
Antonio showed us several times that he came to the world to teach and to bring people together. He was the greatest warrior we ever met, winning a battle every single day if his life. Before him, we had never heard of necrotising enterocolitis – one of the highest causes of NICU mortality. A mystery.
Antonio left us on the 21st May 2016, at 10 months and 11 days. In his memory and with him as inspiration we want to help others facing the same disease. Antonio, who was less than a year old, showed the world what he came here for.”
Bia Rosito, Tom’s loving mum and PGG’s advisor and co-founder.